Monday, February 28, 2011

Tahniah Pada Sarah Raissuddin..

Lama betol tak menghapdate blog...Uwaa... banyak sawang-sawang nih... Huhuhu... Ni pun masih not in d mood nak update... Cuma nak ucapkan tahniah pada Sarah Raissuddin dan Shahmira Muhammad(Shuib) yang telah selamat menjadi suami isteri yang sah. Rasanya Shuib ni salah seorang kumpulan Sepah Raja Lawak tu.. Betul ke tak yek.. Korang tau tak... Macam Tak sangka pulak...

Pic Thanks to Hatta Dolmat

Kalau korang nak tengok pic-pic Sarah bolehlah pergi ke SINI

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why Things in China can be Cheap

These pictures were taken by a French photographer, Alain Delorme in Shanghai throughout 2009 & 2010. He called the series, Totems.

These couriers- mostly migrant workers from other parts of China - not only strong legs but also acrobatic skills to balance these massive loads on their tricycles & bicycles while on the move. A lot of you must be wondering where the centre of gravity is in each case.